Review of Unser Brewery

Unser Brewery,Laufenstrasse 16, Basel, Switzerland

l_ubier.gifIt’s been too long since the last review. I know. And I have no excuses for it either. But last night we braved the cold temperatures and biting winds to bring you the latest Basel Bar review. We suffer for our art. Here are our thoughts on the Unser Brewery. I should also note that this place is worth going to, simply to open the door and smell the hops and brewery smell inside. Heaven!

Date and time: 25/10/07 around 7.30 – 11pm

Location and ease of access: This one is kinda out of the way and not very well sign-posted. But it’s a hidden gem and worth the walk. Located on the Grosse Basel side of town and along from the train station it is located at the back of the actual brewery. 4/10

Beer selection and prices: Four of their homegrown beers on tap, a blonde, a dunkel (dark beer), a special October Beer which we sampled and one other I can’t remember! Prices were a little on the high side but worth the money. 7/10

Atmosphere: The place was buzzing when we got in and slowly eased off as the night went on. Pleasant background chatter and German mumblings. There’s seating for maybe forty to fifty people in among the brewery apparatus. One thing I did notice, the crowd was mostly male although I don’t think this should be a reflection on the place, just the night that we were there. 7/10

Service: Good table service, our glasses were never allowed to go empty and the food was brought in good time although Sarah had to wait for her pretzel for a while. Spoke German to them (although they were willing to speak English) as we’re now in Deutsch Intensiv IV and feel like we’re at the point where we can order a pretzel and beer! 7/10

Smokiness: Generally very good, we picked a good spot to sit at and weren’t bothered by the smoke. 8/10

Snacks: Top notch. We got our first beer and two warm fresh pretzels that melted in your mouth. We then had another beer and then ordered dinner, Kase Schnitze for me and Rauchwurst for Matthew. Both of us were happy with the meals. The only downside was Sarah’s slightly overcooked pretzel later on. 8/10

Furnishings: Long simple tables and chairs just inside the door and beside the fermentation tanks. Nice clean room with the old brick work visible and a small bar. 7/10

Music: Very little and the atmosphere was better for it. It doesn’t strike me as a background music kinda of place because it’s still a fully functioning brewery. This was brought home to us when two guys came past wheeling three large sacks of hops! 8/10

“The John”: Through a door into an adjoining apartment block and the toilets were in the foyer? A bit of an unusual situation but it worked, they were clean anddid exactly what it says on the tin. 7/10

Rated 5/5 on Oct 26 2007 by The Swiss Job
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